Infrastructure Needs Program
Rehabilitating and expanding infrastructure for Palestinians.
West Bank & Gaza

The Infrastructure Needs Programs (INP I and II) were Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts for large-scale projects promoting economic growth and improving quality of life for Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. Our work, spanning eight years, included 27 awarded task orders that improved access to roads, water, and schools. Working with local engineers and professionals, we took on 58 individual projects, totaling more than $190 million.

Expanding Infrastructure for Development
We completed 44 rehabilitation and expansion roads projects spanning a total length of 260 kilometers. The roads enhanced inter- and intra-city transportation, connected agricultural areas to cities, connected villages to highways, and improved trade opportunities for Palestinian communities. The repaving of roads, addition of sidewalks, and installation of streetlights also increased safety and accessibility for pedestrians and reduced dust irritation in surrounding areas. Two of our largest road projects benefitted more than 600,000 Palestinians.

Improving Water Systems
Our teams worked on 14 water infrastructure projects, including water reservoirs, booster pump stations and facilities, pipe procurement, pipeline construction, well drilling, and rehabilitation and well improvements. These system-wide improvements were designed to strengthen infrastructure and stimulate economic growth.

The most extensive infrastructure project expanded the Middle Area Desalination plant in Gaza, a facility that filters seawater for distribution and consumption. Our team’s work increased the plant’s treatment capacity from 2,600 to 6,000 cubic meters per day. In Bureen, we rehabilitated the village’s water distribution network and built new infrastructure to expand access. The 45km steel pipe water network benefitted more than 4,000 residents. We also distributed 200km of American-sourced water pipes to the Palestinian Water Authority to supply continued infrastructure projects.

Building Schools
While roads improved connections across communities, construction of new schools helped to connect students to learning opportunities. We built two elementary schools and one secondary school in Hebron, the second largest city in the West Bank. Learning had suffered from school overpopulation and irregular attendance due to the extreme distance students had to walk to class. The newly constructed schools, which included 57 classrooms, reached 2,300 students and 90 employees. In each school, we constructed playgrounds and procured laboratory and computer equipment along with school furniture to enhance educational opportunities.